Admission Procedure
The minimum age for admission to LKG class is 3½ and to standard 1 is 5½ years on the first of June of the year of study. The age limit varies correspondingly for admission to other standards. Relaxation to age limit will not be granted.
Admission to Elementary (Classes I to VIII) and Secondary (IX & X) is strictly restricted to the number of vacancies arising in each class every year. Separate application forms will be issued for such admissions and a selection test will be conducted on a date announced at the end of every Academic year.
The Principal reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason.
Documents to be produced during admission:
Application forms are available at the admin office upon payment of Rs. 100/-
Admissions to class X is subject to the approval of CBSE. The following documents are to be submitted with the application form: